Legal info

Our legal policies & sub-processors

At Contractify, we aim to be a reliable, accessible partner who enables customers to have a real impact on the world. To keep being as transparent as possible towards our (future) clients, you can find our legal policies, and a list of our sub-processors on this page. 

Sub-processors & Data Processing Agreements

NameLocation of HostingData Processing AgreementNature & Purpose of Processing
Digital OceanEU (Germany/NL)DPA OnlineInfrastructure & Hosting: Cloud infrastructure: hosting and storage
AWSEU (Dublin, Ireland)DPA OnlineInfrastructure & Hosting: Cloud infrastructure: hosting and storage
Google CloudEU (Belgium)DPA OnlineCloud Service Provider
MailchimpUSADPA OnlineEmail service provider
HotjarEUDPA OnlineUser behaviour
SlaaskUSADPA OnlineCustomer support chat
TotangoEUDPA OnlineCustomer success platform
MeilisearchEUDPA OnlineVector search
Nitro signEU (France)DPA signedE-signing
DocuSignEU (Ireland)DPA OnlineE-signing
HubspotEU (Germany)DPA signedCRM & Marketing
Functional Software, Inc. d/b/a SentryUSADPA signedInfrastructure & Hosting: Error monitoring
OpenAIUSADPA OnlineGenerative AI services provider for intelligence product features
PusherUKDPA Onlinereal-time communication and collaboration