User Privileges
Contract access shouldn’t be a guessing game
Your contracts, your rules! Discover how to control who can view, edit, and manage contracts in a few clicks. Enable secure team collaboration while keeping operational excellence.
Customize users' privileges to your needs
Easily access individual contracts or documents with tailored access levels
Take full contol over who can access and modify contracts
Keep confidential information, such as employment contracts, truely confidential
Secure your company's most valuable documents
Experience seamless role transitions
Easily reassign responsibilities, tasks, and privileges when team members are on leave or depart unexpectedly
Save time during role transitions for IT and administrative teams
Set-up clear escalation processes for unassigned or overdue tasks
No more hassle during role transitions
Keep your contracts in a secure contract repository
Grant or restrict access at the document, folder, or project level, ensuring every user only sees what’s relevant to them
Get quick access to your contracts with Single Sign-On (SSO)
Never lose any of your important data thanks to our secured backup
Discover the most secure contract database
Ready to get full control over your contracts?
Let our experts guide you

Why +130 companies rely on Contractify’s expertise
"Contractify has made my job a whole lot more efficient. It is easier for me to retrieve contracts, look up appointments and check which contracts may be expiring.”
Geert Torfs, Fabrique Fantastique
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Get started for only € 161 per month
€ 161
per month
unlimited amount of contracts
automated follow-up tasks
extensive contract reporting
incl. 3 users
€ 361
per month
all lite features
approval workflows
incl. 5 users